
Epitaxial CdS Layers Deposited on InP Substrates

The CdS layers were deposited on InP substrates by using the (H2–CdS) vapor growth technique. The single crystal layers of hexagonal CdS were obtained on InP (111), (110) and (100) with the following heteroepitaxial relationships; (0001) CdS//(111) InP and [bar 12bar 10] CdS//[01bar 1] InP, (01bar 13) CdS//(110) InP and [bar 2110] CdS//[bar 110] InP, (30bar 34) CdS//(100) InP and [bar 12bar 10] CdS//[01bar 1] InP. The CdS layers deposited on InP (bar 1bar 1bar 1) were identfied in terms of the twinned hexagonal crystals, twin planes of which were nearly parallel to (30bar 3bar 4) and its crystallographic equivalents. The compositional gradients were observed at the interface of the deposits and the substrates.


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